Your Kitchen Sink Could Be Dirtier Than Your Toilet

You might think your house is clean, but these everyday items are harboring more germs than you ever imagined! Here are the top 5 dirtiest things in your house that you need to clean right now:

  1. Kitchen Sponge: According to a study by NSF International, a nonprofit public health and safety organization, kitchen sponges are the most germ-filled items in the house. They found that a typical kitchen sponge contains 45 billion microbes per square centimeter! To clean your sponge, microwave it for 2 minutes once a week to kill the bacteria.

  2. Kitchen Sink: Your sink might look clean, but it's actually one of the dirtiest places in the house. A study by the National Science Foundation found that the kitchen sink contains more germs than the toilet bowl! Use a disinfectant wipe or a mixture of vinegar and water to clean your sink daily.

  3. Cell Phone: Did you know that your cell phone is 10 times dirtier than a toilet seat? A study by the University of Arizona found that cell phones carry more bacteria than a lot of other everyday items. Clean your phone regularly with a microfiber cloth to avoid spreading germs.

  4. Bathroom Faucet Handles: When we wash our hands, we often forget to clean the faucet handles, which are touched by dirty hands before and after they're washed. A study by Applied and Environmental Microbiology found that bathroom faucet handles were one of the top 10 most contaminated surfaces in the house. Use a disinfectant wipe or spray to clean your faucet handles daily.

  5. Remote Control: The remote control is one of the most touched items in the house, yet it's rarely cleaned. A study by the University of Virginia found that remote controls in hotels were some of the most contaminated items, with 19% containing cold and flu viruses. Use a disinfectant wipe or a mixture of rubbing alcohol and water to clean your remote control regularly.
